Orientation Round #1

This Saturday was the first of what is really a two part orientation to Homework Zone. Not all of the 97 volunteers could make it to the Carrefour Ballroom on Saturday (apparently there were quite a few people writing the LSAT), but for those who did it was a great way to launch into the semester. Continue reading

Facilitate a workshop with Homework Zone


Led by McGill’s Social Equity and Diversity Education Office (SEDE), Homework Zone is an alternative mentoring program for McGill students and schoolchildren aged 7-12 in three schools of the Lester B. Pearson School Board. Through the development of a relationship of trust between the volunteer mentor and their mentee, the program aims to helps McGill student volunteers forge a link with the wider Montreal community; and to support the schoolchildren’s success, both academically and socially.

The goal of the activities offered through this program is to make the kids discover new interests and horizons, all while having fun with their mentors.

Continue reading

A semester with Homework Zone

This semester, Erin will be writing on the blog about her own experiences with Homework Zone. After reading this beautiful piece, we’re really looking forward to what else she has up her sleeve!

A Semester with Homework Zone

I don’t think that I’m alone in feeling that September, as the month of “back to school,” is like a second January. For students, September can be a chance to either reawaken dormant January resolutions or set some new goals for the new semester. Or, of course, do neither, which is also completely acceptable in my books as we all have a lot on our minds. My own experience with start of semester goals is something like this, I start them, keep up with them for a few weeks, and then promptly forget about them three days before my first midterm. However, this September I am happily continuing with something I decided to start last January: volunteering with Homework Zone. Continue reading


Before applying, don’t forget to carefully read the information below!

Please note that we have enough volunteers for Riverview on Tuesdays, and are still in need of volunteers Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.

This page is for McGill students interested in volunteering with Homework Zone.

Deadline to apply for the Fall 2014 semester: Monday September 22nd, Midnight.

Do you like working with kids? 

Do you need an outlet for your creativity?

Do you want to explore new neighbourhoods in Montreal? 

Do you want to get involved?

Then you’ve found the right place to look!

We ask from our volunteers an enthusiasm for working with kids as well as a regular, weekly commitment over the course of at least 1 semester. Because this is a mentorship program, commitment is our main focus.

Time Commitment:

3 Hours per week (including travel time to and from the school) for a duration of 10 weeks.

For the Fall 2014 semester, the program begins on  September 30th, 2014 and finishes by December 4th, 2014

For the Winter 2015 semester, the program dates will be confirmed shortly.

Volunteers can choose what day works best…

  1. Tuesday 2-5PM
  2. Wednesday 2-5PM
  3. Thursday 2:30-6:00 PM

3-hour Mandatory Orientation session (Saturday September 27th, 1:00 – 4:00 PM) in Carrefour residence. A catch-up session is offered to the volunteers that cannot attend due to religious restrictions, work, or illness. 

Two 2-hour Reflection Dinners with guest speakers (DATES TBA)

Optional: volunteer as group leader for My Day @ McGill (Late March or early April)

Benefits and Recognition:

  • A Letter of Attestation from the Dean of Students for a minimum of 30 hours
  • A 20% voucher at the McGill Bookstore
  • Volunteering in a group with other McGill students

How to Apply…

Step 1: Fill out the 2014 Homework Zone application form. When marking your availabilities, please keep in mind the time slots mentioned above (see: “time commitment”).

Step 2: E-mail Gabrielle at hz.sede@mcgill.ca with your CV and confirm you filled the above form.

Step 3: Wait for confirmation e-mail.

Note: If you have already volunteered with Homework Zone, please email Gabrielle at hz.sede@mcgill.ca if you would like extra responsibilities as team captain.


CAT information

A refresher on simple math exercises!

For a lot of volunteers, remembering how to explain simple math problems is surprisingly… difficult. Either because their own math classes date back to high school, or because they haven’t had to think about simple equations in years because it has simply become second nature to them.

The website Math is Fun! offers a nice refresher, and covers everything from long division to fractions, adapted to every grade, with step-by-step instructions. Check it out here: http://www.mathsisfun.com/index.htm

Don’t forget that if you’re ever stuck, you can always ask a fellow volunteer to give you a hand!