Orientation Round #1

This Saturday was the first of what is really a two part orientation to Homework Zone. Not all of the 97 volunteers could make it to the Carrefour Ballroom on Saturday (apparently there were quite a few people writing the LSAT), but for those who did it was a great way to launch into the semester. Continue reading

Hooked on School Featurette

Though most of you may be unaware, Homework Zone is the result of a recent push by the provincial government for schools and school boards to reach out and partner with local community organizations. This initiative stems from a belief held in common with Homework Zone: students will persevere and succeed in school when a whole community supports their education.

As part of this initiative, a Montreal organization named Hooked On Schools has reached out to all Montreal schoolboards to provide support for this community partnerships. For their 2012 review, Homework Zone was chosen as one of a handful of projects that Hooked on Schools has supported.

To learn more about the different organisations that are going into schools in Montreal (or to see yours truly intrude a French video with her anglophone style), check out the video below! You’ll also see highlights from our kids and mentors at Orchard Elementary throughout the video!

My Day @ McGill (article)

A short article by McGill in the Community, looking at the My Day @ McGill tour in conjunction with the Homework Zone program.

Worth a read for all of your hard work!

Youth Mentoring in Perspective (Article)

An in-depth look at one of the key themes discussed at our March 1st Reflection Event: the place and role of a mentor within the larger scheme of a child’s education. At our event, we discussed the 3 influencing bodies: community, school and family. In this article, John E. Rhodes finds these same influencing bodies and looks at the influence of caring adults in the lives of children.

In your experience as a mentor, do you feel you’ve had influence? Is it in the same way Rhodes describes?

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