A semester with Homework Zone

This semester, Erin will be writing on the blog about her own experiences with Homework Zone. After reading this beautiful piece, we’re really looking forward to what else she has up her sleeve!

A Semester with Homework Zone

I don’t think that I’m alone in feeling that September, as the month of “back to school,” is like a second January. For students, September can be a chance to either reawaken dormant January resolutions or set some new goals for the new semester. Or, of course, do neither, which is also completely acceptable in my books as we all have a lot on our minds. My own experience with start of semester goals is something like this, I start them, keep up with them for a few weeks, and then promptly forget about them three days before my first midterm. However, this September I am happily continuing with something I decided to start last January: volunteering with Homework Zone. Continue reading

Family Workshop – October 2012

October 4th marked the first Family Workshop at Riverview Elementary in Verdun!

It was a night to savour, just like the sauce for the spaghetti. In between games and activities, the kids had time to discuss what support means: “if somebody falls and they need help, you should help them get up,” said one little philosopher. In the meantime, the parents/family members gathered for a look at what support they can give their children and how they can create a successful learning environment. It was a relaxed, safe space for sharing. Some eye-opening ideas came onto the table as everyone readily admitted to some things being unable to see change while other things were more flexible: you can never find more time, but you can always read more or encourage a more active male presence.

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Thank you to all of those family members who joined us for the discussion!

Thank you to all those kids who played and talked with us!

Thank you to all those who volunteered their evening to serve dinner and run the daycare!

Thank you to Anurag Dhir and Audrey Ottier for organizing the night!

And thank you to Elizabeth Wood for leading a fantastic workshop discussion!

Riverview Elementary pics

[May 15th, 2012]

I feel like Riverview gets left out sometimes in seeing themselves on the blog, so here you are! Plus, check out the Homework Zoners playing educational apps on the iPads!

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Volcanoes @ Riverview

Thanks to our wonderful volunteer mentors at Riverview Elementary, the kids got to build their own volcanoes! Who doesn’t love messy, hands-on science in action? (Answer: He who has to clean up after)

[March 27, 2012]

Video Credit to Tarin Sultana