Girls and Media

“8 is the peak age for girl’s leadership ambitions”

Let’s change that. Here at Homework Zone, we want to break down all barriers to success. But sometimes, those barriers are hidden inside where no one can see. Let’s bring them out into the open.

Talk to your girls! Ask questions! What/who inspires them…and what does inspire even mean?

And what about YOU? What aspirations do YOU have?

It’s time to get real!

My Personal Road Map

This activity is tons of fun for kids. Not only does it teach them an essential art skill (one-point perspective drawing – don’t be scared, you all know how to do this, I’m sure), but it also lets them explore moments in their lives that were important to them.

By doing this, the kids get to think about who they are…and YOU get to LEARN who they are. Isn’t bonding fantastic?

It’s quite simple: 

  1. Have them draw a simple one-point perspective road. 
  2. Along the sides, have them draw various road signs that represent important moments in their life. A green traffic light might represent something they learned, or are proud of. A city sign might be where they were born. A yield sign might be a moment they shared with a friend. A stop sign might represent an obstacle they overcame (etc).
  3. They can either write, draw or orally explain what the sign stands for.
  4. Colour!

And remember, YOU can make your OWN personal road map, too!

blank paper, pencils, crayons/markers/etc